
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Fixed Mindset Vs. a Growth Mindset

A couple of weeks ago our class had an in depth discussions about fixed mindsets versus growth mindsets.  What that is exactly is the debate on a person's natural intelligence level and whether it can be changed or if you are born with certain natural caps to your learning ability. It was once theorized that people were born with a definite set of skills that they develop throughout their lives, but they can't exceed their natural cap for any one skill. Although this theory is no longer correct many people have not realized it and continue to hold themselves to these false standards. People who have a fixed mindset tend to be more afraid to ask for help and are more grade focused. Recent studies have shown that a person's brain is always growing and learning, and a person does not have any natural caps on their learning abilities. People with fixed mindset do not fear failure, they see it as an opportunity to grow. Also they are more focused on mastery of skills over a given letter grade. A social experiment was conducted to help prove this theory. Two identical classes of fourth graders were used in this experiment, class A and class B. In class A the teacher always told the kids what a perfect job they always did. She told them they were the smartest class ever all time, and they got full credit on every assignment. In class B the children were told they that they had great effort on their assignments, and they were encouraged to keep trying. Can you guess which class started doing worse? Surprisingly enough it's class A. Their effort in class work started to decline test grades got worse. This happened because they were worry about looking stupid by asking questions and they no longer saw the point in doing school work since they would just get full credit. Meanwhile the children in class B flourished. They were engaged in class work and more concerned with mastering skills than a grade on a paper. Personally I consider myself mostly a growth minded person, there are some aspects in which i'm a fixed minded person. Mostly when it comes to grades because it's been pounded into my head since I was little kid that getting good grades is the key to being successful in life. So when I complete assignments sometimes I still focus on the grade aspect instead of understanding the whole assignment. Currently though, I am constantly working on trying to improve upon that way of thinking. Having a growth mindset will become really helpful to me in college because once I become just one face in a crowd I have to be comfortable with going to my professor and asking for help without the fear of judgement for not knowing something. I've provided some links down below if you are curious on fix vs. growth mindset. The first link talks about the differences between the two and how having one or the other affects your life. The second link discusses fostering a growth mindset in the classroom setting.
Question of the Day: Do you have a fixed or a growth mindset? How could you develop more of a growth mindset? Let me know down in the comments!

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