
Friday, May 15, 2015


Well it's finally here.  The end of the year is upon us, and finals start next Wednesday.  So it's time I'm honest with whoever is out there viewing my blog.  I probably will not keep up with blog after the school year ends.  It's a sad truth, but it is the truth.  So, I thought I'd take some time and reflect back on my year in Open.  In a word, I would describe it as amazing.  This program has changed my entire mindset towards education and learning.  And that's thanks to some amazing teachers.  Kim Radostits, Jesse Glim, Aaron Sitze, and Cole Davidson are some of the most dedicated, passionate, kind, and giving teachers and people I've ever met.  They were there for me and my classmates every step of the way during this crazy year.  That exceedingly long description doesn't begin to cover how wonderful those four really are.  So this post is not only to say goodbye to my readers, but it is also a thank you to my teachers.  Thank you for teaching me what it means to be a student, for teaching me I can achieve anything, for showing me that I'm worth more than I think, and for valuing my education.  I'm sad I can't express in a better way how much you all mean to me, but I think if read this you'll understand what I getting at. So, one last time:  goodbye and thank you.

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